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Ispunite sva polja točno kako biste dobili ProFurgol momčad.
Zemlja:  (2.)
Ime kluba:  
Ponovite Vaš e-mail:
Ako dijelite vezu s nekim, upišite ID momčadi:  (4.)
Tko je to?:
Osobni podaci
Korisničko ime:
Lozinka:  (7.)
Potvrdite lozinku:
Ime i prezime (Stvarni podatci):
Datum rođenja:    

Koristite izraz
1.- Data which you are sending must be totally correct; if they are not, your registration will be rejected
2.- You have to register in the country you live in and if your country is not in the list, choose the 'Global Pro' country, in the future when your country will be created you can move all your team to that country.
3.- You can only ask for one team; if a friend wants a team, he must register himself to get it.
4.- If several users are sharing a connection, it is totally forbidden to make any transfers between the teams; if you do not do anything that can be labelled as cheating, your have nothing to worry. Check the Official Rules.
5.- If you have any problems with the registration. Send us a mail with your data to info [@] profurgol.com
6.- User, Nick and Team name must have more than 4 characters and not be own by another PRO user.
7.- The password must be formed by at least 8 characters (numbers and letters required)

Politika privatnosti

Pristajem na Pravila korištenja i na Zaštitu privatnih podataka

Važno: Molimo provjerite svoj e-mail račun i potražite folder SMEĆE , možda je naš mail završio tamo. Mailove s Profurgola prihvatite kako bi Vam stizali u Dolazne poruke.

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