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24-11-2009 22:38 - Searching to be original

Searching the secret to be a special football manager, something to be original and nobody has ever.

The search has given result, but the hardest has been develop the idea in numbers and formulas. And it is going to make the form until convert this idea in reality. The result is ProFurgol.com V3.0, the result is too big for the game and it will be very important for everyone and it deserver this upgrading version.

This large jump improve playability, enjoy and of course increase new ways of strategy following and claim the sucess. Our intention has been always to do a football manager at 100% based on strategy, it means that everyone have as much more tools and better to take control over his team in all leves. We don't want to be a simply and easy manager, but dificult and complicated either. We don't want to obligate for everyone to pass here too many hours to be able taking control the team also, but if somebody wants to pass here many time he will have a lot of tools to study oponents, deciding his own strategy sport or economical with only limit, imagine.

The new noveltie, as other last changes on last season, is for us much easier develop and work in new tools and improvements, trying to minimize mistakes and bugs, because of that consecuences after this changes day per day are less, and this is the most interesting thing for us. Because we know how you fell after to suffer a bug, we work everyday to improve our reliability.

We are so sure that this large jump is justified and it will be something to give us the oportunity to grew up as a Game and everybody enjoy much more than before. I has been so excited to do it, almost all new tools are, wath the design, new links and tolls when you know that no more some weeks behind today everything was numbers and letters, this is so excited and incredible.

Even so we have so clear that this is only one step in all that we have to do together. 2 years ago, when PRO was born a lot of people didn't beleive in our promise about to improve the game day a day. Today thanks to all of you this is a reality. 8 season late some of our users, even if he has been here no more than 2 months, he can check that this promise is true, and it's not only an slogan or a simply phrase, it's a declaration of principles by us for everyone wants to play here.

On the next sunday (29-11-2009) we are giving more information about the next jump to ProFurgol.com V3.0, coming soon!!!

Pedro  ↔  19 Comments 

#1: 24-11-2009
 GoGo Pedro... I'm sure you'll surprise us, and i'm sure you'll do it right

#2: 24-11-2009
 You are a genius Pedro :)
Waiting for Sunday!!

#3: 25-11-2009
 First! :)

Continue Pedro!

#4: 25-11-2009
 Amazing!!! Waiting for reading about the changes!!!

#5: 25-11-2009
 Please only in english ...Keep the good work pedro that is what make this one of the best online football manager:)

#6: 25-11-2009
 Only in english? ok, no coment.

#8: 26-11-2009
 You are the best Pedro

#9: 26-11-2009
 sunday! sunday! sunday!! come on!!!!


#11: 28-11-2009
 You are the best PEDRO

Tuga ™
#12: 29-11-2009
 Clap ! Clap ! Clap !

#13: 30-11-2009
 Mark... Pedro is already married see blog entry 1


Great changes Pedro!

#15: 03-12-2009
 Please only in english ...oh yeah

#16: 05-12-2009
 There should also be an official spanish blog for those who do not speak English or who need an informatic translator.

#17: 14-12-2009

#18: 15-12-2009
 I know Sffc, it's a pity, maybe in a future...

#19: 22-01-2010
 hi cracks of profurgol... long life at profurgol

#20: 01-02-2010

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